Tavelsjö AIK ice rink is a great success

Tavelsjö AIK ice track is 9 km this year and offers top-notch skating between November to March

We hope that you are interested in supporting us so that we are able to maintain the ice track? Support us in this case by paying a day or season fee acc. below

  • Day ticket per person: 60 SEK
  • Season ticket per person: 350 SEK
  • Season ticket for a family: 500 SEK

The easiest way is to use Swish tfn.nr 123 553 44 33, marking the payment with "ice track" + your name. It is also possible to pay by bank transfer to No: 5375-3265 (Bank giro) and provide the same information as when using Swish.

A big thank you in advance!

Contact us: info@tavelsjoisbana.se

Ice track events

Status icetrack

Öppet! (23 Jan 15:16)

Track layout

The ice track covers most parts of the north side of the lake. On your way on the track you will pass Sundlingska, Tavelsjö Wärdshus, ICA Matboa, Tavelsjö society, Svedjan, Långviken and Signhilds Bäck.

The distance is about 9 km in total and the track can be seen in the picture adjacent to this text.

Take the opportunity to visit Root at Sundlingska, Tavelsjö Wärdshus, or ICA Matboa for meal or a snack (Just make sure they are open). Or why not pack your own lunch and organize your own seat along the track.

Find us!

Tavelsjö is 2.5 mil northwest of Umeå and by following the road 363 out of town you will find Sundlingska on the right just before Tavelsjö. Sundlingska offers good parking facilities.

There are several places where you can get down on the ice track. Along Tavelsjö village lies the track near the shore and there are good parking facilities available at Sundlingska, Church and up at Klacken with a few minutes walk down the the track. ICA Matboa has also made a parking lot for the ice track visitors, please use only this special parking lot since the ordinary is only for customers at ICA matboa.


The local bus has daily tours to the ice track on Saturdays and Sundays. Link to this wekends times can be found below:
(Sometimes you may need to reload the page before the link works to tabussen.nu)


Free shuttle bus to the rink!

Depending on the Covid situation will will see if there will be any busses this year.

Our sponsors